Shop Absolutely Clean!
Protect Families with Safe Clean Products & Share the Gift of Time with Absolutely Clean Gift Cards.

A healthier life for everyone
Our mission at Absolutely Clean is to provide a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone. We do it by providing Shaklee products that are so exceptional, you just have to tell your friends.

Naturally Safe, Proven Effective-Safe Top Picks- Shaklee Products
Purchase Products Our Teams Use

Shaklee Products provided by Absolutely Clean!
For over 50 years, generations of families have counted on Shaklee to do what no other company can do — make products that are naturally safe AND proven effective. Contact Absolutely Clean to purchase products, we’ll be happy to help you.
Naturally Safe
Shaklee makes products that are always naturally safe.
Proven Effective
Our products are proven to be effective and works without compromise.
Safe Top Picks
Every product is designed to improve health and be gentle on the planet.

Just Because
Absolutely Clean Gift Card
Who wouldn’t want maid service for their birthday, baby shower, bridal shower, just home from the hospital, sympathy gift, or JUST BECAUSE!? Share the Gift of time this year with Gift Cards from Absolutely Clean! Gift Cards start at 2.5 Maid Hours and can go up to 10 Maid Hours.
Pick hr/price
2.5 Maid Hours
4 Maid Hours
3 Maid Hours
5 Maid Hours

Freedom for a Year
Absolutely Clean Gift Cards
After years of taking care of everyone else why not treat your special someone to Freedom From Housework For One Whole Year! Includes: 12 gift cards one for a cleaning each month, or 26 gift cards one for a cleaning every other week or 52 gift cards one for a cleaning every week for one full year. We’ll even throw in an extra gift card so that their first cleaning is a double clean.
Pick hr/price
12 Gift Cards - 4 Maid Hours Each
52 Gift Cards - 4 Maid Hours Each
26 Gift Cards - 4 Maid Hours Each

King & Queen of the Castle
Absolutely Clean Gift Cards
Enjoying a clean and healthy living environment can be a daunting time consuming tasks leaving little, if any time for fun. Tell the King & Queen of the house just how much you want them to enjoy their Castle, give them A Maid for a year and a Night Out (Dinner and a Movie)!
Includes:12 – 3 hour gift cards, that’s one cleaning for each month of the year. Or give the King & Queen 26 – 3 hour gift cards that’s one cleaning every other week for the year and a $50 gift certificate for the dinner, and a movie tickets for two.
Pick hr/price
Castle 12 Gift Cards - 3 Maid Hours Each
Castle 26 Gift Cards - 3 Maid Hours Each

Purchase ANY Dollar Amount
Share the Gift of time in ANY dollar amount of your choice! Who doesn’t need more time? Purchase a Gift Card from Absolutely Clean and let us take care of the cleaning! Good for any occasion, choose the perfect gift, for everyone on your list!
Need to pay a bill? Purchase a Gift card to make payments! We will clean what you want when you want. We have gift cards tailored to each client’s specific needs! Purchase today!